Weighted items have a number of benefits. They can aid with sleep, reduce anxiety and provide deep touch pressure input, particularly for those with autism or sensory processing difficulties.
I make custom weighted toys and cushions. Every part can be customised - what colour it is, the weight and what animal it is. They are made with super-soft yarn and eco-friendly weighted pellets. The pellets are packed in small pouches to ensure the weight is evenly distributed, and covered with fibre filling to ensure that it still feels soft and comfortable.
Before filling out an order form to discuss the order, there are some terms and conditions to ordering weighted items. Please read them, and send a message with any questions.
To make the weighted octopus even more sensory, I've made one with different sensory tentacles! This includes:
The octopus can be made with regular tentacles, or a combination of the above to suit your needs.
Cecelia's Crafts
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